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There Was a Time...

There was a time I was scared to share with doula clients my ‘spiritual identity’, my work with Reiki, crystals & even meditation for fear of being judged, or turned away….I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time I was hesitant to let my intuitive insights be voiced, allowing my ego to poke-‘what if I am wrong?’…I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time I didn’t truly understand the gift of unconditional love pets & our furbabies have to offer …I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time that I would use ‘karma’ as an energetic threat to right the wrongs I felt in a particular moment, instead of truly letting go…I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time I would hold the emotion of anger so tight and so close, just because it was somehow justified…I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time that I allowed my past trauma’s to hold me back from helping other’s, holding onto the emotion’s of-‘ If I am broken, how can I support others?’….I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time I would look back on past beliefs or actions with feelings of regret, instead of seeing them as lessons to be learned....I am so grateful that time has passed.

There was a time that I would undervalue my services, attaching feelings of hesitation for charging for heart-centred work & time…..I am so grateful to be working through this..

We are always working through beliefs and emotions, continually growing and evolving....allow this to be a reminder of your growth, new awarenesses, and to be grateful for the journey.

So much love & blessings your way



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